Now a while ago i decided to complete the bahama quests. just like that. just for fun cuz i was bored. 1st i camped for FF, and finally got it.. next obstacle was getting the elite amber bee. did that in 30 mins, i think i was lucky.
next one was getting normal aidanium and normal quartz which noone seem to have. luckily my Faction leader had it. did that, completed the quest, ran from the house back to Base Camp a few times, and the quest chain was complete.
next on the menu was the Gavin quest.
Note, the only hard part for me here was killing Novia. using pioneering/E84 armours and E92 weapons with brunie and ele, was kinda pain.
Anyway, as soon as you enter the ice wizards tower, you get teleported to an instance. if you computer is relatively new, or you don't lag, you have a chance of exploiting a bug there. as soon as you are ported in the mission run just a meter or two, forward, just to get the Veteran bless buff. it gives Atk/aspd/HP and AR/DR bonuses.
wait a second or two and 5 raidbosses will spawn. Novia, the purple dude, and 3 overgrown yu-gi-oh characters. be careful, if you ran too much ahead, the bosses will kill you in a second, before the conversation even starts, thus ending the mission before it even begins.
if you don't run forward to get the buff. wait till the conversation between the NPC's is over, and try to run inside the circle. after some time, i did manage to get the Veteran Bless buff, so there are basically two ways of getting it.
and you definetly need a Lightning ele for Novia.
Basically what i needed was: 10.000 hp pots, 17k bullets, 20 invisible pots, and a lot of patience.
first thing that happes after conversation: the three bosses aggro you, and use skills at the same time. thats 3x9k dmg for me with my armours, wichc was too much. so: you run away from the mobs, get your team killed, except you scout, use invisible pot to loose aggro, the bosses will aggro Gavin and Selva, you get back to your two members with your scout, ress them, run as far away as possible, and rebuff. then: TAKE DOWN BOSSES ONE BY ONE, NOVIA THE LAST!!!!
it will ease the mission, and you can kill Novia in few minutes.
so after you have taken down the raidbosses, start preparing for novia. use lightning bracelets on your ele, to deal her the dmg. now what i did, was to scatter my team so her attacks wouldnt hit them all at once. then i just spammed Lightning spells on novia. Brunie, fully buffed, her Aspd 11 with outrage got 75% of her attacks blocked by novias buff, so she was quite useless. the scout died the first. brunie was a few minutes later, and then i just spammed potions and spells.
now novia does tend to "freeze" your chars so be careful. i always forgot to bring Antidotes for my scouts recovery skill, so i was more or less frozen.
but after 12 long hours of trying, countless HP pots, and 40m in vis (dun ask), i managed to drop Novias hp on 50%, at that point a Conversation starts and selva or gavin kills the Novia with one strike. (which is pretty much retarded because a) they were both dead at that time b)Why didnt he/she use the skill in the first place ffs -.-)
so after that part you only need to complete the Katovic soup quest in order to get Gavin.
so I did.
and I got him.
STR: 6
HP: 6
basically a fighter with slover atk spd, and a wee bit more criticals.
and afetr VET-ing him, you may choose to give the point in AGI (to get a stock fighter with a bonus DEX), or just give him the point in STR like 90% of the melee fighters.
but do remember that he also has Outrage and sightshot. meaning that giving in AGI/DEX would make him a weaker shooter. which i dont recommend. just use rapiers on him. and after Selva comes out, get him, and Edward, and Selva in the team to get the 3man team buff :)
Seeing the world of Granado Espada trough the eyes of a european leisure-time gamer. And probably the only gamer from europe playing on cervantes server.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The one about Epic Grade Glazium equpiment (Pioneering)
Now, today i finally got my Gpoints. It took them 14 days to send me the friggin' codes heh. the codes must really be a pain to type since it took them two weeks, to write 30 numbers.-.-
First thing i did was by Vet scroll for Calyce, and gave her a E92 Crossbow. then i accidentally teleported meyself to the wrong side of the town, and i ended up near the Pioneering support soldier.
So just for joke i tried a Lvl 100 poineering dagger for my Vet lisa. since shes already using pioneering Leather Armour, i expected to get a 26AR weapon that would match the DR of a Pioneering lvl 100 armour. what i got was a surprise. The dagger came with a 29AR!!!! so i quickly +5ed it, and got myself a 30AR dagger for 4X epic glaziums and 5Mp heh. you cant get cheaper than this. and kicking in a lvl 100 chip i almost got it with godly stats.
Now for people who don't know whats the bonus of chipping Pioneering equips let me tell you this.
Chipping armour will ALWAYS get : -DEF UP
-Mental res up.
and you always get ALL of those bonuses. not just one or two, but ALL!!!
Similair with the pioneering 100 weapons:
(and for ranged gear you get accuracy bonus)
now imagine spending 5mp for a 30 AR weapon, chipping it once, and not being afraid that chippin will only throw a chip away. (it usually takes me 2 chips to get atleast 36% atk up, and around 25-28% aspd up.)
those are the good sides.
Bad sides:
You can get Glazium only via ingame shop (and some quests), and Epic grade glazium only from quests. the costs are comulative. first weapon 4 pieces, next weapon of the same txpe, +4 pieces, next weapon of the same type +8 pieces... ect. so for 3 swords you'd need 4+8+12 pieces of Epic glazium. (and ofcourse 15Mp)
My Advice: if your E84 weapons dont dmg mobs the way they used to, get Pioneering lvl 100.
First thing i did was by Vet scroll for Calyce, and gave her a E92 Crossbow. then i accidentally teleported meyself to the wrong side of the town, and i ended up near the Pioneering support soldier.
So just for joke i tried a Lvl 100 poineering dagger for my Vet lisa. since shes already using pioneering Leather Armour, i expected to get a 26AR weapon that would match the DR of a Pioneering lvl 100 armour. what i got was a surprise. The dagger came with a 29AR!!!! so i quickly +5ed it, and got myself a 30AR dagger for 4X epic glaziums and 5Mp heh. you cant get cheaper than this. and kicking in a lvl 100 chip i almost got it with godly stats.
Now for people who don't know whats the bonus of chipping Pioneering equips let me tell you this.
Chipping armour will ALWAYS get : -DEF UP
-Mental res up.
and you always get ALL of those bonuses. not just one or two, but ALL!!!
Similair with the pioneering 100 weapons:
(and for ranged gear you get accuracy bonus)
now imagine spending 5mp for a 30 AR weapon, chipping it once, and not being afraid that chippin will only throw a chip away. (it usually takes me 2 chips to get atleast 36% atk up, and around 25-28% aspd up.)
those are the good sides.
Bad sides:
You can get Glazium only via ingame shop (and some quests), and Epic grade glazium only from quests. the costs are comulative. first weapon 4 pieces, next weapon of the same txpe, +4 pieces, next weapon of the same type +8 pieces... ect. so for 3 swords you'd need 4+8+12 pieces of Epic glazium. (and ofcourse 15Mp)
My Advice: if your E84 weapons dont dmg mobs the way they used to, get Pioneering lvl 100.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The one about Calyce Bernelli
So on saturday, i sold enuff of my items to buy me 50mp and get a Calyce RNC card. shes like a younger sister of Grace, the only difference is, she's not a "investigator" or a "policeman" as her bigger sis, but shes an assassin. She has both dagger stances (Escrima and Corte Duplicado), and along with those she has Arbalester and Saggita Crossbow stances.
crossbows are supposed to have same strength as rifles, but as far as i can tell, their strength is between Shotgun and a Rifle.
Her stats is actually pretty good
which is a wee bit faster than a normal musk, and a wee bit weaker than one. but vet-ing her would increase her DEX to 8 thus making a fast musk. Altough im still thinking of giving her vet point in AGI, which would make her attacks with a Bow insanely fast, and i could stil gain a lot if i choose to use her with daggers.
The quest:
2. Talk to the Mercenary Soldier beside Calyce to start an instanced mission involving combat. The level of mob is dependent on your level. (You can stay out of combat and let the NPCs do the fighting.)
3.Talk to the Mercenary Soldier again and give him 50 Mystery Powders.
4.Talk to Princess Gabriel. She is in the Reception Hall, Cite de Reboldoeux.
5.Return to Calyce to receive Calyce Character Card. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lv 60 crossbow
1.With Calyce as leader, talk to the Gurtrude Peterson (Jean-Pierre Gascon). He is located at F9, City of Auch.
2.Talk to Gurtrude again and choose the option to eavesdrop.
3.Talk to Gurtrude again after the cutscene.
4.Talk to Gerald. He is in Pegadilla, Port of Coimbra.
5.Talk to Calyce to receive a lvl60 Crossbow. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sagitta Stance Book
1.With Calyce as leader, talk to Gerard.
2.Talk to the Mercenary Soldier nearby.
3.Move to the indicated location at F2, Porto Bello, Deserted Quay. The trigger spot in somewhere between the six pillars.
4.Talk to Mamon to start an instanced mission involving combat with Mamon. (He takes a while to appear.)
5.Go inside the Sea Elephant Cafe of Port of Coimbra and talk to Gurtrude and Gerard. (They are a little bit hard to click on. Rotating the camera helps somewhat.)
6.Remove Calyce from active team, go to City of Auch, and talk to Auch's Gurtrude using any other character.
7.Put Calyce back in team, head back to Deserted Quay, and talk to Mamon to start another instanced mission.
8.Let Calyce's HP fall under 50% (or just let her die) in the mission and Fritz will appear. Talk to Fritz to receive the Sagitta Stance Book.
now the first thing that is wrong here is that it lacks certain info.
I really almost lost my nerves with this part, because someone wrote the guide, forgot this part of the info, and now everybody is copy+pasteing it, not knowing that it's wrong.
Is she worth those 50Mp and a freestancebook with a quest (or 60.000pesos), depends on your laziness lvl.?
it think so. I'm making a Brunie/Ele/Calyce team anyway, so nothing will survive long enuff to hit meh :D
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The last one in September
Sry 'bout that. i was unable to write anything due to my medical state i'm currently in. I do hope to get better in a while, so i can join you guys back at GE.
So october is going to be another month full of updates; Calyce (the crossbow/dagger assassin Rnpc) and the GS girl whats-her-name-again (uses Greatswords and freaking Cannons!).
Both of them will be available using the GP market, have no idea about the price though, but they will cost around 50Mp each (from my expectations), or even worse. I don't even dare to think those babes will be any cheaper. :/
But the v2.9 will also bring us the Fesos which is a GE ingame currency that will be an inter phase between vis and Gpoints. so basically Vis-> trade to Fesos-> trade to Gpoints. atleast thats what I expect. It's good 'n all but IAH just did a huge hole in their pockets. I mean, people won't buy Gpoints anymore, because the Fesos will have wider availabilty, and the vis sellers are kinda cheaper than Gpoints, because the prices are always dropping, and Vis stays the same.
I mean i'm not complaining or anything, like we say in my country; " podarjenemu konju se ne gleda v zobe." Which basically translates to; if you get stuff free, don't judge it.
With the october the 7th, there will be a server blend, which will repopulate the GE map with more griefers, botters, and all around retards that wanna spoil your game. I am still beiing optimistic that more than 5% of the new players will be aged 13+, will have some common sense in their heads, know atleast the basics of english, and won't scream: "HALCYON DOGS ARE YOU MAMA!!!!!11" all over the map when the Colony war ends....
Still have to keep my fingers crossed >.<
Kasu over and out.
So october is going to be another month full of updates; Calyce (the crossbow/dagger assassin Rnpc) and the GS girl whats-her-name-again (uses Greatswords and freaking Cannons!).
Both of them will be available using the GP market, have no idea about the price though, but they will cost around 50Mp each (from my expectations), or even worse. I don't even dare to think those babes will be any cheaper. :/
But the v2.9 will also bring us the Fesos which is a GE ingame currency that will be an inter phase between vis and Gpoints. so basically Vis-> trade to Fesos-> trade to Gpoints. atleast thats what I expect. It's good 'n all but IAH just did a huge hole in their pockets. I mean, people won't buy Gpoints anymore, because the Fesos will have wider availabilty, and the vis sellers are kinda cheaper than Gpoints, because the prices are always dropping, and Vis stays the same.
I mean i'm not complaining or anything, like we say in my country; " podarjenemu konju se ne gleda v zobe." Which basically translates to; if you get stuff free, don't judge it.
With the october the 7th, there will be a server blend, which will repopulate the GE map with more griefers, botters, and all around retards that wanna spoil your game. I am still beiing optimistic that more than 5% of the new players will be aged 13+, will have some common sense in their heads, know atleast the basics of english, and won't scream: "HALCYON DOGS ARE YOU MAMA!!!!!11" all over the map when the Colony war ends....
Still have to keep my fingers crossed >.<
Kasu over and out.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The one about F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (Part uno)
Main characters:
Pekinja (The Elementalist (F) )
Juile (Brunie Etienne)
Orwell (Scout (M) )
Act one, Scene one: In Bahama swamp.
-Orwell: "aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA! they're behind me! they're behind me!" (runs away from about 30 King Snails)
-Juile: "Relax, it's only some snails!" (starts shooting at them)
-Orwell: "did you see the size of them!? They're like Pokemon on friggin' steroids!"
-Pekinja: "Swamp. It had to be swamp. Just today when I decided to put on my new fancy robe."
-Juile: "Oh, the one you bought in reboldeux? the one that was so expensive?"
-Pekinja: "The very same one."
-Orwell: (still trying to run away from those snails) " Girls, girls, girls, FOCUS HERE!"
-Julie: "Quit yer bitchin', and try to form them in a round group." (Still firing mercilessly at the snails.) " Peki your turn. You know what to do."
-Pekinja: " Ah, work work". (starts casting a Volcanic Eruption)
-Orwell :"AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa....." (Runs away from the King Snails in a straight line, out of line of sight from the girls.)
(The Ground opens, and the lava burns the snails.)
-Julie: "Looting time!"
-Pekinja :"You go on ahead. I'll just stay on this dry part."
-Julie (stops in mid-water turns around and says): "You just don't wanna get this dress dirty, don't you?"
-Pekinja only gives her a wink-smile ( ;) ). Julie grabs the loot, and comes back to the dry part.
-Pekinja:" Anything good?"
-Julie :" Nope, just the same crap as always. Eretrarium, Ionium, talt...."
-Pekinja :" Wait whats this?"
-Julie (After a careful examination) :" Looks like a skin?"
-Pekinja: "Well where did it come from?"
-Julie :" A snail... I guess."
-Pekinja :" So it's a snailskin."
-Orwell:".....aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" (Comes on to the dry patch of grass, up to the girls)
-Pekinja :" Relax, they're dead."
-Orwell (out of breath) :" Thank.... god..." (Tries to catch his breath.)
-Julie :"You really need to stop smoking."
-Orwell :" I never smoked".
(Julie has a flashback, she remembers two weeks ago, she saw him carrying a box of cigars somewhere, and he said they're for his grandomther. (She was dead for 6 years.))
-Julie: "Riiight..."
-Orwell opens the inventory (Alt+I) :" Anything good?"
-Pekinja : "no it's the same crap we're getting since level one! (Furiously) We never get anything good!" " So next time you're gonna ask me what did we get, it would still be the stupid minerals!"
-Orwell (Whispers to Julie) :"what's her problem˝?
-Julie :"She got her robe dirty again." (to herself) "snailskin.... now why does that sound familiar?"
-Orwell :" Sweet!" (Pulls out the charred snailskin) "Lunch! Oh I just love french cousine!"
-Pekinja (lies on the grass): "well I'm exhausted."
-Julie (gives Pekinja a doubtful stare) "you didn't do much to be honest.." (walks away from the pair, trying to concentrate where did she hear for the snailskin. She pulls out the quest log book) :" snailskin, snailskin, snailskin. Where did i hear that name before?" (browses trough the questbook)
(none of the girls are avare of the scout eating the snailskin)
-Orwell: "mmm this is tasty." (munches on the charred snailskin) "could use a bit of salt though..."
-Pekinja (to herself, in a quiet voice) :" the snailskins were supposed to be a rare drop. I remember them reaching a market price of 400m Vis." "I think we'd finally hit the jackpot."
(Julie comes back to those two, still browsing though the logbook, then suddenly stops on a page)
-Julie :"Ah, there it is! I knew it. were supposed to get 30 of them for the wicked witch of the swamp, and she would exchange them for a weapon!" "Well finnaly someting usefull."
-Pekinja:" 30?!" " but were here hunting for the last 6 months, and all we got was one of those skins?"
(both girls are still not aware of the not-hungry-anymore-scout)
-Julie:" well atleast we got one." "It's a start.... I guess."
(Opens the inventory (Alt+I) and starts looking for the snailskin) Julie: "Now where did i put it...?"
-Orwell :"Put what?" (Wipes his mouth) " Well now i could use a ferrucio milk." (more to himself than to the girls)
-Julie: " The snailskin." "Just found out, they're like super-uber rare."
-Orwell (makes a O.O face) :" what snailskin...?"
-Julie :" the one we just got."
-Orwell :"uh-oh."
-Julie (still browsing trough the inventory): "what uh-oh?" (looks at Orwell, and sees his O.O face.) "oh no. Don't give me that look. Usually when you say uh-oh, it's a bad uh-oh.""Like the time we went to katovic and you packed only with your swimsuit wear." " what did you do to the snailskin?"
-(Orwell makes a guilty i-didn't-wan't-to-do-that face, similair to when your dog pees on your carpet) :"I kinda eated it." "and to be honest, it' wasn't that much good." "I think the french cousine is way over-rated."
-Julie (Furiously) :"AAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!" (She did say some more "juicy" words, but I'm letting them out.)
-Pekinja (stands up) :" Well that's just dandy!" "CAN WE GO NOW?!?!?!?!"
(Both of the girls are giving Orwell the -.- look)
-Orwell :" aww.. come on now, I didn't mean it!"
(Both girls turn around and start walking back to bahama base camp)
-Orwell:" so you're just gonna leave me here?"
(Both girls are still walking towards the camp, ignoring the Scout)
-Orwell:" come on!" "Atleast says something!" (grabs his belly) "uh-oh." "This aint good." (burps) (to himself) "I think the snailskin is coming back up..."
-Interviewer: "So what do you think about your team?"
-Julie: "well It could be worse.."
-Interviewer:" what do you mean?"
-Julie :"well." those two are a bit 'unique', in their own way that is."
-Interviewer: " and what do you think about Orwell (The Scout)?"
-Julie :"Hmmm. He's very supportive. He's been there everytime I needed him. I think he still has a crush on me."
-Interviewer: "and about Pekinja (The elementalist)?"
-Julie :" oh don't get me started on her!" "She's like one of those dumb-never-grown-up-blonde-princesses-where-looks-ARE-everything!"
-Interviewer: " But she is an elementalist. she had to be smart."
-Julie: " yes. really. " I can't imagine how many people had to nail her, to give her the elementalist license." " and between you and me I know 'they're fake'. "She has a rich daddy. Probably bought her, her boobies too."
-Interviewer: " but she's still smart..." (doubtfully) :"right?"
-Julie: " oh please, when we first met, Orwell asked her ' if those guns are real ' but she only smiled to him, and told him that she doesn't use the guns. She uses bracelets. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET THE FRIGGIN' JOKE!!!!!"
-Interviewer: " so Pekinja (The elementalist), what do you think about your team"
-Pekinja (She's sitting like a queen on her chair, legs crossed, and she's using her finger to swirl a lock of her beautiful blond hair) :"Oh i think they're nice."
-Interviewer :"so what about Julie (Brunie etienne)?"
-Pekinja :"oh miss-perfect-know-it-all!" "She always has bigger kill count as me!"
-Interviewer :" and What about Orwell (the scout)?"
-Pekinja :" oh, I think he's kinda cute" (smirks)
-Interviewer :"so, how DID you get your elementalist license?" " if you don't mind me asking"
-Pekinja:" oh my daddy bought it for me." he buys a lot of things for me. once as I was little, he bought me a pink pony, and a servant to take care of him, and a servant to ride him" Then he just bought the whole Elementalist school" " and I was home-schooled" But i failed the elementalist exam. so my daddy just bought me the license. "And for some reason all the male elemetnalist teachers were always glad to see me." "but they kept staring at my boobies." Like they were too big." Are they too big?"
Interviewer (has been staring at her boobies for the past 10 minutes) :" I'm sorry what?" " so how did you get her license?"
-Pekinja:"like i said....."
-Interviewer: " Oh come on now. Pekinja's not that dumb. I think she's just sweet."
-Julie (quietly) :" Yeah so sweet she'll give you a fucking cavity."
-Interviewer :" excuse me what?
-Julie "oh nothing, nothing."
-Orwell :" DRAPES! all they ever talk is drapes! and curtains! And pink handkerchiefs!" " they go on and on and on about one colour! Porange! who ever heard of such colour! they said it was a mix of pink and orange, and is supposedly be a hit with the female population! Who gives a crap, if you like it you buy it! you don't make an autobiography about it!
Interviewer :" so how did you end up here? I mean end up with them?"
-Orwell: "I should'ev listen to my mother when she said that I should go as a dentist!" "but noooo, I wanted the thrill and the excitement." " And I ended up in a fashion squad!" "and they never stop talking!" "They really don't get that the more sound they make, the more mobs will come, and the more mobs come, the more must they comment each one!"
-Interviewer:" So what do you think about Julie (Brunie Etienne)?"
-Orwell:" well I still love her, altough we stopped dating."
-Interviewer:" you were dating?"
-Orwell :" Yes, but everything went downhill after she got that 'Outrage shooting stancebook' "
Interviewer:" what do you mean?"
(Orwell has a flashback. 6 months ago while raiding Gerero.
Orwell:" so I was thinking, do you wanna go out on friday?"
Julie:" WHAT?" (Keeps shooting mercilessly at Gerero).
Orwell :"I said DO YOU WANNA..."
Orwell: " yes I know, the banging is too loud!"
-Orwell: " after 7-8 of those kind of conversations I just gave up."
-Interviewer:" So what do you think about Pekinja (The elementalist)?"
-Orwell :" oh miss perfect. Miss my-daddy-can-buy-your-daddy. But she scares me. She can open the earth and let out lava for one, and Sometimes when we camp out in a map over-night, I turn around in my sleep, and see her turning around quickly too. and I just know she was looking at me. In my sleep, now how creepy is that?"
-Interviewer: " so what do you think about her... khm.. we'll call them 'other features'."
-Orwell: " Oh please everyone knows they're fake."
-Interviewer: "But it's Eye-Candy."
-Orwell:" True dat"
-Interviewer: "Word!"
(They both make fists and hit eachother in the fist. Ghetto style)
-Orwell:" but I just hope she finds a man that can cook, because let's be honest, that Snailskin was waay over-charred. Like she was getting cooking lessons from that Panfilo guy, that can't cook a simple pizza. Best on the new continent my arse! Sometimes when he cooks for us, we just give it to the dog, and then say it was delicious."
(The door opens, and a head in a white cooks hat looks inside the room)
-Panfilo De Navarez: " I HEARD THAT!"
Pekinja (The Elementalist (F) )
Juile (Brunie Etienne)
Orwell (Scout (M) )
Act one, Scene one: In Bahama swamp.
-Orwell: "aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA! they're behind me! they're behind me!" (runs away from about 30 King Snails)
-Juile: "Relax, it's only some snails!" (starts shooting at them)
-Orwell: "did you see the size of them!? They're like Pokemon on friggin' steroids!"
-Pekinja: "Swamp. It had to be swamp. Just today when I decided to put on my new fancy robe."
-Juile: "Oh, the one you bought in reboldeux? the one that was so expensive?"
-Pekinja: "The very same one."
-Orwell: (still trying to run away from those snails) " Girls, girls, girls, FOCUS HERE!"
-Julie: "Quit yer bitchin', and try to form them in a round group." (Still firing mercilessly at the snails.) " Peki your turn. You know what to do."
-Pekinja: " Ah, work work". (starts casting a Volcanic Eruption)
-Orwell :"AAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa....." (Runs away from the King Snails in a straight line, out of line of sight from the girls.)
(The Ground opens, and the lava burns the snails.)
-Julie: "Looting time!"
-Pekinja :"You go on ahead. I'll just stay on this dry part."
-Julie (stops in mid-water turns around and says): "You just don't wanna get this dress dirty, don't you?"
-Pekinja only gives her a wink-smile ( ;) ). Julie grabs the loot, and comes back to the dry part.
-Pekinja:" Anything good?"
-Julie :" Nope, just the same crap as always. Eretrarium, Ionium, talt...."
-Pekinja :" Wait whats this?"
-Julie (After a careful examination) :" Looks like a skin?"
-Pekinja: "Well where did it come from?"
-Julie :" A snail... I guess."
-Pekinja :" So it's a snailskin."
-Orwell:".....aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" (Comes on to the dry patch of grass, up to the girls)
-Pekinja :" Relax, they're dead."
-Orwell (out of breath) :" Thank.... god..." (Tries to catch his breath.)
-Julie :"You really need to stop smoking."
-Orwell :" I never smoked".
(Julie has a flashback, she remembers two weeks ago, she saw him carrying a box of cigars somewhere, and he said they're for his grandomther. (She was dead for 6 years.))
-Julie: "Riiight..."
-Orwell opens the inventory (Alt+I) :" Anything good?"
-Pekinja : "no it's the same crap we're getting since level one! (Furiously) We never get anything good!" " So next time you're gonna ask me what did we get, it would still be the stupid minerals!"
-Orwell (Whispers to Julie) :"what's her problem˝?
-Julie :"She got her robe dirty again." (to herself) "snailskin.... now why does that sound familiar?"
-Orwell :" Sweet!" (Pulls out the charred snailskin) "Lunch! Oh I just love french cousine!"
-Pekinja (lies on the grass): "well I'm exhausted."
-Julie (gives Pekinja a doubtful stare) "you didn't do much to be honest.." (walks away from the pair, trying to concentrate where did she hear for the snailskin. She pulls out the quest log book) :" snailskin, snailskin, snailskin. Where did i hear that name before?" (browses trough the questbook)
(none of the girls are avare of the scout eating the snailskin)
-Orwell: "mmm this is tasty." (munches on the charred snailskin) "could use a bit of salt though..."
-Pekinja (to herself, in a quiet voice) :" the snailskins were supposed to be a rare drop. I remember them reaching a market price of 400m Vis." "I think we'd finally hit the jackpot."
(Julie comes back to those two, still browsing though the logbook, then suddenly stops on a page)
-Julie :"Ah, there it is! I knew it. were supposed to get 30 of them for the wicked witch of the swamp, and she would exchange them for a weapon!" "Well finnaly someting usefull."
-Pekinja:" 30?!" " but were here hunting for the last 6 months, and all we got was one of those skins?"
(both girls are still not aware of the not-hungry-anymore-scout)
-Julie:" well atleast we got one." "It's a start.... I guess."
(Opens the inventory (Alt+I) and starts looking for the snailskin) Julie: "Now where did i put it...?"
-Orwell :"Put what?" (Wipes his mouth) " Well now i could use a ferrucio milk." (more to himself than to the girls)
-Julie: " The snailskin." "Just found out, they're like super-uber rare."
-Orwell (makes a O.O face) :" what snailskin...?"
-Julie :" the one we just got."
-Orwell :"uh-oh."
-Julie (still browsing trough the inventory): "what uh-oh?" (looks at Orwell, and sees his O.O face.) "oh no. Don't give me that look. Usually when you say uh-oh, it's a bad uh-oh.""Like the time we went to katovic and you packed only with your swimsuit wear." " what did you do to the snailskin?"
-(Orwell makes a guilty i-didn't-wan't-to-do-that face, similair to when your dog pees on your carpet) :"I kinda eated it." "and to be honest, it' wasn't that much good." "I think the french cousine is way over-rated."
-Julie (Furiously) :"AAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!!!!" (She did say some more "juicy" words, but I'm letting them out.)
-Pekinja (stands up) :" Well that's just dandy!" "CAN WE GO NOW?!?!?!?!"
(Both of the girls are giving Orwell the -.- look)
-Orwell :" aww.. come on now, I didn't mean it!"
(Both girls turn around and start walking back to bahama base camp)
-Orwell:" so you're just gonna leave me here?"
(Both girls are still walking towards the camp, ignoring the Scout)
-Orwell:" come on!" "Atleast says something!" (grabs his belly) "uh-oh." "This aint good." (burps) (to himself) "I think the snailskin is coming back up..."
-Interviewer: "So what do you think about your team?"
-Julie: "well It could be worse.."
-Interviewer:" what do you mean?"
-Julie :"well." those two are a bit 'unique', in their own way that is."
-Interviewer: " and what do you think about Orwell (The Scout)?"
-Julie :"Hmmm. He's very supportive. He's been there everytime I needed him. I think he still has a crush on me."
-Interviewer: "and about Pekinja (The elementalist)?"
-Julie :" oh don't get me started on her!" "She's like one of those dumb-never-grown-up-blonde-princesses-where-looks-ARE-everything!"
-Interviewer: " But she is an elementalist. she had to be smart."
-Julie: " yes. really. " I can't imagine how many people had to nail her, to give her the elementalist license." " and between you and me I know 'they're fake'. "She has a rich daddy. Probably bought her, her boobies too."
-Interviewer: " but she's still smart..." (doubtfully) :"right?"
-Julie: " oh please, when we first met, Orwell asked her ' if those guns are real ' but she only smiled to him, and told him that she doesn't use the guns. She uses bracelets. SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET THE FRIGGIN' JOKE!!!!!"
-Interviewer: " so Pekinja (The elementalist), what do you think about your team"
-Pekinja (She's sitting like a queen on her chair, legs crossed, and she's using her finger to swirl a lock of her beautiful blond hair) :"Oh i think they're nice."
-Interviewer :"so what about Julie (Brunie etienne)?"
-Pekinja :"oh miss-perfect-know-it-all!" "She always has bigger kill count as me!"
-Interviewer :" and What about Orwell (the scout)?"
-Pekinja :" oh, I think he's kinda cute" (smirks)
-Interviewer :"so, how DID you get your elementalist license?" " if you don't mind me asking"
-Pekinja:" oh my daddy bought it for me." he buys a lot of things for me. once as I was little, he bought me a pink pony, and a servant to take care of him, and a servant to ride him" Then he just bought the whole Elementalist school" " and I was home-schooled" But i failed the elementalist exam. so my daddy just bought me the license. "And for some reason all the male elemetnalist teachers were always glad to see me." "but they kept staring at my boobies." Like they were too big." Are they too big?"
Interviewer (has been staring at her boobies for the past 10 minutes) :" I'm sorry what?" " so how did you get her license?"
-Pekinja:"like i said....."
-Interviewer: " Oh come on now. Pekinja's not that dumb. I think she's just sweet."
-Julie (quietly) :" Yeah so sweet she'll give you a fucking cavity."
-Interviewer :" excuse me what?
-Julie "oh nothing, nothing."
-Orwell :" DRAPES! all they ever talk is drapes! and curtains! And pink handkerchiefs!" " they go on and on and on about one colour! Porange! who ever heard of such colour! they said it was a mix of pink and orange, and is supposedly be a hit with the female population! Who gives a crap, if you like it you buy it! you don't make an autobiography about it!
Interviewer :" so how did you end up here? I mean end up with them?"
-Orwell: "I should'ev listen to my mother when she said that I should go as a dentist!" "but noooo, I wanted the thrill and the excitement." " And I ended up in a fashion squad!" "and they never stop talking!" "They really don't get that the more sound they make, the more mobs will come, and the more mobs come, the more must they comment each one!"
-Interviewer:" So what do you think about Julie (Brunie Etienne)?"
-Orwell:" well I still love her, altough we stopped dating."
-Interviewer:" you were dating?"
-Orwell :" Yes, but everything went downhill after she got that 'Outrage shooting stancebook' "
Interviewer:" what do you mean?"
(Orwell has a flashback. 6 months ago while raiding Gerero.
Orwell:" so I was thinking, do you wanna go out on friday?"
Julie:" WHAT?" (Keeps shooting mercilessly at Gerero).
Orwell :"I said DO YOU WANNA..."
Orwell: " yes I know, the banging is too loud!"
-Orwell: " after 7-8 of those kind of conversations I just gave up."
-Interviewer:" So what do you think about Pekinja (The elementalist)?"
-Orwell :" oh miss perfect. Miss my-daddy-can-buy-your-daddy. But she scares me. She can open the earth and let out lava for one, and Sometimes when we camp out in a map over-night, I turn around in my sleep, and see her turning around quickly too. and I just know she was looking at me. In my sleep, now how creepy is that?"
-Interviewer: " so what do you think about her... khm.. we'll call them 'other features'."
-Orwell: " Oh please everyone knows they're fake."
-Interviewer: "But it's Eye-Candy."
-Orwell:" True dat"
-Interviewer: "Word!"
(They both make fists and hit eachother in the fist. Ghetto style)
-Orwell:" but I just hope she finds a man that can cook, because let's be honest, that Snailskin was waay over-charred. Like she was getting cooking lessons from that Panfilo guy, that can't cook a simple pizza. Best on the new continent my arse! Sometimes when he cooks for us, we just give it to the dog, and then say it was delicious."
(The door opens, and a head in a white cooks hat looks inside the room)
-Panfilo De Navarez: " I HEARD THAT!"
Friday, August 29, 2008
The one about Mighty Cruz (an in-depth look)
YAY! the day has finally arrived! I vet'd my IBS, bought her a E92 Polearm, the Scythe to be exact (Honestly I tought the weapon of a grim reaper would look a wee bit more intimidating, than that, but I'm not giving up on my hopes for a Black Robe costume muahahaah)
I ran past all those big dino's and ended up in the Bahama base camp. Went to the scholar, gave him the Memo's and 25MP and bought me a Mighty Cruz stance book. so first of all, you need to have Blandir Cruz stance on leve 25, and obtain a Stancebook for Mighty Cruz, and have a polearm (well duh!). The first thing noticing, when switching the stance is that the stance blesses you with a ~5% Attack bonus!!!(Puts the S in Sweet^^)
Overall hitting, and the stance posture looks exactly the same as in Blandir cruz. The character brandishes the polearm the same way as he/she did with Blandir cruz. (was a bit dissapointed here.) The stance grants you with 30% attack speed bonus, 12% critical bonus, and 10 Block, with previously mentioned ~5% attack bonus. In a way, Mighty Cruz compared to Blandir Cruz is like enchanting a weapon. (wee bit stronger).
Skills? Oh there's nothing little about them. they hit wide and they hit hard! Most of the skills reduce enemy'y armour, and some of them, grant a double damage bonus to Metal tank Armours.
This stance is definetly worth having if you're a Polearm user, and if you like to hit Heavy Armoured bosses.
My idge with 7 STR (I increased at Veteran level), has 835 attack, with a +4 E92 40% atk up Scythe 26 Block, and attack spd of around 95. Pretty intimidating don't you think?;) makes her a well balanced tank, that can survive the horrors of Katovic, Frozen Plain, and not to mention the bahamas swamp in afk mode :D (ofc equipped with E84 Plate 20Def up)
I ran past all those big dino's and ended up in the Bahama base camp. Went to the scholar, gave him the Memo's and 25MP and bought me a Mighty Cruz stance book. so first of all, you need to have Blandir Cruz stance on leve 25, and obtain a Stancebook for Mighty Cruz, and have a polearm (well duh!). The first thing noticing, when switching the stance is that the stance blesses you with a ~5% Attack bonus!!!(Puts the S in Sweet^^)
Overall hitting, and the stance posture looks exactly the same as in Blandir cruz. The character brandishes the polearm the same way as he/she did with Blandir cruz. (was a bit dissapointed here.) The stance grants you with 30% attack speed bonus, 12% critical bonus, and 10 Block, with previously mentioned ~5% attack bonus. In a way, Mighty Cruz compared to Blandir Cruz is like enchanting a weapon. (wee bit stronger).
Skills? Oh there's nothing little about them. they hit wide and they hit hard! Most of the skills reduce enemy'y armour, and some of them, grant a double damage bonus to Metal tank Armours.
This stance is definetly worth having if you're a Polearm user, and if you like to hit Heavy Armoured bosses.
My idge with 7 STR (I increased at Veteran level), has 835 attack, with a +4 E92 40% atk up Scythe 26 Block, and attack spd of around 95. Pretty intimidating don't you think?;) makes her a well balanced tank, that can survive the horrors of Katovic, Frozen Plain, and not to mention the bahamas swamp in afk mode :D (ofc equipped with E84 Plate 20Def up)
The one about the new Soldier's costume.
Well i'm still stuck with leveling my IBS (She's on 92 ATM), and I haven't started leveling her Mighty Cruz stance. So i'm just going to write about the new update.
So this week's update featured new costumes for the soldiers of Coimbra and Auch, which are available via the Cash Shop. Basically all the Costumes change the way they look (well duh it's a costume.), and give them 1 bonus point if AGI. Basically meaning the soldiers will now have 6 AGI. Except for the Reboldeux soldier stats, which im not sure, if there's a Quest that upgrades the Stats, and the Costume doesn't or, both do, or both don't i'll have to update this.
The costume makes an extravagant look on the soldiers like they were the Queens rolay guard or sth. (or just something dee-zigned by your Andre.) and Cost 6k something GP. kinda expensive, since i only saw one user of any soldier (Saw some guy experting his Coimbra trooper, to make a friggin' tank! his stats already include 7HP, and at expert lvl having a 9HP char, is nice. especially if he's got defender stance and provoke.) But I doubt he'll buy the dress, to give him 6 Agi.
Giving the costume to Auch trooper, will increase his AGI to 6, making him/her a copy of a Musketeer, w/o the vet, and pistol stances. so basically for 6k GP, you can make a Musk, without as many stances, but having the ability to wear Leather Armours. (Yes, the Auch Trooper has Concentration.)
Giving the Costume to Reboldeux trooper (or completing the quest), would match his base stats to those of a fighter. Straight 6-es. Again, spendins 6k GP, would make him a basic fighter without Provoke. Useless imo unless you have a 'thang' about those soldiers, and you want to 'step out' of the croud. I guess it matters on how much GP you have, and how unique you want to look.
Enough for now, I have to get back to lvling my IBS, she's nearly 93 now. After vetting her I'll write an in-depth look for Mighty cruz. (Then I just need to get a ATP to write a guide for Low guard, which I surprisingly saw only one player having it. Still think the Baron RNPC's should get Low Guard.)
So this week's update featured new costumes for the soldiers of Coimbra and Auch, which are available via the Cash Shop. Basically all the Costumes change the way they look (well duh it's a costume.), and give them 1 bonus point if AGI. Basically meaning the soldiers will now have 6 AGI. Except for the Reboldeux soldier stats, which im not sure, if there's a Quest that upgrades the Stats, and the Costume doesn't or, both do, or both don't i'll have to update this.
The costume makes an extravagant look on the soldiers like they were the Queens rolay guard or sth. (or just something dee-zigned by your Andre.) and Cost 6k something GP. kinda expensive, since i only saw one user of any soldier (Saw some guy experting his Coimbra trooper, to make a friggin' tank! his stats already include 7HP, and at expert lvl having a 9HP char, is nice. especially if he's got defender stance and provoke.) But I doubt he'll buy the dress, to give him 6 Agi.
Giving the costume to Auch trooper, will increase his AGI to 6, making him/her a copy of a Musketeer, w/o the vet, and pistol stances. so basically for 6k GP, you can make a Musk, without as many stances, but having the ability to wear Leather Armours. (Yes, the Auch Trooper has Concentration.)
Giving the Costume to Reboldeux trooper (or completing the quest), would match his base stats to those of a fighter. Straight 6-es. Again, spendins 6k GP, would make him a basic fighter without Provoke. Useless imo unless you have a 'thang' about those soldiers, and you want to 'step out' of the croud. I guess it matters on how much GP you have, and how unique you want to look.
Enough for now, I have to get back to lvling my IBS, she's nearly 93 now. After vetting her I'll write an in-depth look for Mighty cruz. (Then I just need to get a ATP to write a guide for Low guard, which I surprisingly saw only one player having it. Still think the Baron RNPC's should get Low Guard.)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The one about history repeating itself.
so yes it happened again. got sent to jail, while only seeing those korean letters. I mean come on! I get it that it happens once, and you can call it a glitch/bug, but two times in a row? For Cryin' Out Loud! i'm having a feelin this is all a part of some major plan to sent Kasu to jail 4 evah!!!
Now i can't really write anything usefull, still leveing my Mighty Cruz stance, and if it wasn't for the interruptions like these (yes, hunting for Rat items, really isn't my thang.) you guys would already have a guide written.
so i'm back to hunting, hopefully tomorrow, i'll get the "guide" of Mighty Cruz done.
In the mean time, watch this one:D
I call dibbs on the blonde ^^
Now i can't really write anything usefull, still leveing my Mighty Cruz stance, and if it wasn't for the interruptions like these (yes, hunting for Rat items, really isn't my thang.) you guys would already have a guide written.
so i'm back to hunting, hopefully tomorrow, i'll get the "guide" of Mighty Cruz done.
In the mean time, watch this one:D
I call dibbs on the blonde ^^
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The one about Raid Assault (in-depth look)
So today there was this update, bringing us new veteran stances, and Idge The Battlesmith as a RNPC card, in the premium item mall. (Don't get too excited she costs 15,000 Gpoints).
All of the new veteran stances (Raid Assault, Mighty Cruz and Low Guard), are available in Bahama Base Camp, by talking to the scholar. He'll ask of you to give him 25x Expeditions Memo and 25x Mistery Powders. So today, I still haven't recieved my Gpoints, so i borrowed 25x Mpowders, and went to Base Camp. Talked to the Scholar, and Bought me Raid Assault Stancebook. Now in order to learn this vet stance, you need to have Corte Duplicado stance on level 25. After that just click on the book, to learn it.
The vet stance, makes Lisa Lynway stand a bit lower, with her feet, a bit further away from each other, in order to gain lower center of gravity. the whole Hit animaton was a bit dissapointing for me, because, she only turns her body from side, to side, making a wide sweeping motion with her daggers.
With leveling up her stance, she gets Attack speed bonus, Critical bonus, and Block!. But it's a low block, definitly can't be used for tanking raidbosses. At level 25 she gets the following bonuses: 25% speed, 25% critical, and +5 block. So adding a vet point in AGI, would increase her attack speed on around 10 with that stance, and increasing her block from 13-15.

Up: Lisa in all her glory.
Basically, if you are a speed freak (like myself), and giving Lisa daggers with high attack speed bonus (28-30%), and having a stun/poison on them, it's very useful to have her and the stance for raidbosses hence the use of "stun-lock".
I'll write again tomorrow, if i get lucky enough to get my Gpoints and buying the Mighty Cruz polearm stance.
buhbye ;)
Lisa Lynway,
Raid Assault,
Veteran Stance
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The one about being sent to jails
So yes, yesterday I got reported by some lunatic, who had too much free time on his hands, and i got sent to jail. And no, I wasn't using any 3rd party programs because I dislike the idea of paying someone/sometinh to play games instead of me. Thats just plain stupid. Paying someone to play your games, while you just watch? Boo Boo to everyone who bots heh. So how I ended up in jail? well... thats another story really. As some of you may already know, usually when someone reports you as a botter (either someone playing BotCop, an actualy GM ingame (haha yeah right)or someone who's spot you've taken, and hes too lazy to move/switch channel.) a window pops up. like a little square window, kindly telling you that you've been reported using 3rd party programs. So you have 2 minutes and 3 attempts to put in the text that appears in the window. So usually it starts by seeing some weird asian letters/fonts (Edit: Found out they're Korean), and after a second or two, the image switches to normal, european letters. But, this time it didn't. It just kept showing me those letters. so i wated.. and waited.. the I was like: my gosh my 2 minutes are almost up. So 10 seconds before the time ran out, i just started pressing radnom letters, hoping it would fit those in Korean.
Epic Fail.
Got send to jail. Was pissed. Sent a Ticket to the Tech support. Expected a "screw you, we ain't gonna sent you out of jail. What were you doing there in ste first place??" kinda reply. I was surprised.
I got this:
Answer: Thank you for reporting this issue.This issue will be forwarded to our developers for a more in-depth investigations.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. Your ticket has been processed and is now closed.Should you encounter the same issue, please submit a new ticket through our Feedback and include GE-080819-0000002 as the case reference.We hope you continue to enjoy your adventure in Granado Espada.
Then i Realised something. I wasnt the first and only one. Seems like they have these kind of problems all the time. The bot report window isn't foolproof!!! Meaning: even innocent gamers can be sent to jails. Basically, you'll end up the same, if you use 3rd party programs, or not. One more reason for some poeple to either quit, or start using the GEcrazy program. Sweet. Screwed.
So I searcher the forum, and technical issues, and bug report section. Found out this thing happens very often.
As the user named tyro said:
This is what you get for playing v2.6:

Luckily You Are a Korean, Go type the text and hit SEND. If not, go to prison.
I just couldn't agree more.
Epic Fail.
Got send to jail. Was pissed. Sent a Ticket to the Tech support. Expected a "screw you, we ain't gonna sent you out of jail. What were you doing there in ste first place??" kinda reply. I was surprised.
I got this:
Answer: Thank you for reporting this issue.This issue will be forwarded to our developers for a more in-depth investigations.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. Your ticket has been processed and is now closed.Should you encounter the same issue, please submit a new ticket through our Feedback and include GE-080819-0000002 as the case reference.We hope you continue to enjoy your adventure in Granado Espada.
Then i Realised something. I wasnt the first and only one. Seems like they have these kind of problems all the time. The bot report window isn't foolproof!!! Meaning: even innocent gamers can be sent to jails. Basically, you'll end up the same, if you use 3rd party programs, or not. One more reason for some poeple to either quit, or start using the GEcrazy program. Sweet. Screwed.
So I searcher the forum, and technical issues, and bug report section. Found out this thing happens very often.
As the user named tyro said:
This is what you get for playing v2.6:
Luckily You Are a Korean, Go type the text and hit SEND. If not, go to prison.
I just couldn't agree more.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The very first one (YAY!)
So here I am, starting a new Blog in the sea of blogs, hoping to bring me fame and fortune. Not. xD
since i have too much free time in my hands i started a blog about the game Granado Espada, and of my family in this game.
My family is currently made out of 18 characters (yay 2 full baracks woohoo), but mostly I play only a few of them.

My main team consists out of 3 Experts (Brunie/female Elementalist/male Scout).
now this blog is made purely as a tool to inform and educate the GE gamers of GE updates, and the ones copied from Mistress Hrins blog. (Oh yeah forgot to mention she's a nice lady, over there at the IAH games, who keeps the community happy, and tries to calm angry gamers about the ever-postponing crew of IAH developers (no offense here, nothing personal from my POV))
Last time there was a post in her blog, it was one who everyone should put in their Favorite folders, regarding the new updates of GE v2.6, and she announced that v2.9 will (Should) be out towards the end of September.
Here's a link to her blog:
Personally i really can't wait for the upcoming update on this thursday, when the new Mighty Cruz, Low Guard, and Raid Assault stances will be released. I'm really psyched!
Hopefully i won't be dissapointed as I was with the musketeer stances, when they announced the v2.6 in march : /
I know, I know you guys will probably say: "Dude, chill, it's just a game!", but try to put yourself in my skin.
a)I come from europe, meaning that whatever bonuses you guys get over there in your cybercafes, I can never get, not to mention not being able to participate in some of the GE parties and festivals, and stuff like that. (and yes, I'd really like to meet my Factionmates in person too)
b) getting Gpoints, without owning a creditcard can be a long journey. Walking to the bank, waiting in line for 45 minutes, fillin' out the forms for the payment using Western Union Money Transfer, then waiting for another 35 minutes for the nice lady behind the counter to Fax the form of WU to WU HQ, then waiting for another 15 minutes for their reply, and walking back home, revitalising yourself with some cool H2O, mailing the MTCN of WU to the gameshop, and finally waiting for a week, for the Gpoints to arrive. And by that time, there is another update, requring more Gpoints. so basically I'm back to square one. Ha Ha.
Enough for now, i'll write again when i see the new stances yay :D
since i have too much free time in my hands i started a blog about the game Granado Espada, and of my family in this game.
My family is currently made out of 18 characters (yay 2 full baracks woohoo), but mostly I play only a few of them.

My main team consists out of 3 Experts (Brunie/female Elementalist/male Scout).
now this blog is made purely as a tool to inform and educate the GE gamers of GE updates, and the ones copied from Mistress Hrins blog. (Oh yeah forgot to mention she's a nice lady, over there at the IAH games, who keeps the community happy, and tries to calm angry gamers about the ever-postponing crew of IAH developers (no offense here, nothing personal from my POV))
Last time there was a post in her blog, it was one who everyone should put in their Favorite folders, regarding the new updates of GE v2.6, and she announced that v2.9 will (Should) be out towards the end of September.
Here's a link to her blog:
Personally i really can't wait for the upcoming update on this thursday, when the new Mighty Cruz, Low Guard, and Raid Assault stances will be released. I'm really psyched!
Hopefully i won't be dissapointed as I was with the musketeer stances, when they announced the v2.6 in march : /
I know, I know you guys will probably say: "Dude, chill, it's just a game!", but try to put yourself in my skin.
a)I come from europe, meaning that whatever bonuses you guys get over there in your cybercafes, I can never get, not to mention not being able to participate in some of the GE parties and festivals, and stuff like that. (and yes, I'd really like to meet my Factionmates in person too)
b) getting Gpoints, without owning a creditcard can be a long journey. Walking to the bank, waiting in line for 45 minutes, fillin' out the forms for the payment using Western Union Money Transfer, then waiting for another 35 minutes for the nice lady behind the counter to Fax the form of WU to WU HQ, then waiting for another 15 minutes for their reply, and walking back home, revitalising yourself with some cool H2O, mailing the MTCN of WU to the gameshop, and finally waiting for a week, for the Gpoints to arrive. And by that time, there is another update, requring more Gpoints. so basically I'm back to square one. Ha Ha.
Enough for now, i'll write again when i see the new stances yay :D
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