Epic Fail.
Got send to jail. Was pissed. Sent a Ticket to the Tech support. Expected a "screw you, we ain't gonna sent you out of jail. What were you doing there in ste first place??" kinda reply. I was surprised.
I got this:
Answer: Thank you for reporting this issue.This issue will be forwarded to our developers for a more in-depth investigations.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you. Your ticket has been processed and is now closed.Should you encounter the same issue, please submit a new ticket through our Feedback and include GE-080819-0000002 as the case reference.We hope you continue to enjoy your adventure in Granado Espada.
Then i Realised something. I wasnt the first and only one. Seems like they have these kind of problems all the time. The bot report window isn't foolproof!!! Meaning: even innocent gamers can be sent to jails. Basically, you'll end up the same, if you use 3rd party programs, or not. One more reason for some poeple to either quit, or start using the GEcrazy program. Sweet. Screwed.
So I searcher the forum, and technical issues, and bug report section. Found out this thing happens very often.
As the user named tyro said:
This is what you get for playing v2.6:
Luckily You Are a Korean, Go type the text and hit SEND. If not, go to prison.
I just couldn't agree more.
Yeah, as it's in korean for that 'being reported as botter' thingy.
I saw it once but lucky for me it turns into alphabets. But... that phrase of korean word are too long! Even if i know how to type i dont thk i have enough time for it.
I seriously think IAH shd fix this 'bug' ASAP lo. Also, I hate morons who report you as bot just because he couldnt get a spot he wanted... that's so lame and childish... but most players are kids in game... so what to do?
probably we just have to leave it and play it 'as it is' -.-
Hey the same thing happened to me. just wondering how do you drop a ticket in ???
hey there the same unfortunate thing happened to me to . just wondering if you can tell me how to drop a ticket. i cant seem to find it T_T
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